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West Heaton Bowling Tennis & Squash Club garden talk

Peter Clare

Updated: May 6, 2019

I’ve had a wonderful day at West Heaton Bowling, Tennis & Squash club ( – an afternoon of tea & cake with a plant sale from Bud Garden Centre (

I was asked to give a talk on designing for different shapes of garden and dealing with challenging garden conditions. Based on a democratic voting system we focused on planting for shady conditions and how to design for long gardens.

For those of you who voted and didn’t get their garden shape or garden challenge covered I’m attaching links below to my guides and presentations for all the common types of planting conditions (too dry, too boggy, too shady) as well as my design guides for the most common types of garden shapes (small, long, sloping). I’ve also got a lot of blog articles covering these issues.

Common garden planting challenges:

Plant lists

For copies of my recommended plants lists please click the links below:

Designing for different types of garden shapes:

Thank you to all of you who submitted questions – I hope I was able to help. Please follow this link for copies of the Q&A.

Plant care:

For those of you who bought plants I can strongly recommend you visit Brenda at Bud who supplied many of the plants to see what else she has on offer and for plant care and advice. Bud is located on Omer Drive in Burnage, just off Kingsway.

Some of the plants came from my own nursery and I’ve attached links that will help you care for your purchase below. Please do not hesitate to drop me an email or a Facebook message if you've got any particular questions.

I hope you enjoyed the day as much as I did.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you've got any specific design or planting questions.



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